vera koo

顧方蓁女士是第一代華裔美國人,身兼妻子、母親、作家與企業家數職,退休前在射擊競賽世界中身經百戰。目前定居於美國西海岸,生活嗜愛旅行、美食與藝術。她首部著作為《巾幗槍神 世界冠軍之路》回憶錄,書中,她回顧家庭及感情生活的曲折、細數事業與射擊場上的考驗,筆鋒感情充沛,胸懷一派灑落。

, recounts the stories of her life with tremendous introspection and emotional clarity.


Vera Koo The Most Unlikely Champion 637x971




Vera is a successful businesswoman, an accomplished athlete, and a loving wife and mother. It was never an “either-or” for Vera; it’s about meeting life’s challenges head-on with dogged persistence, grace, humility, and … humor.



在《方蓁箴言》一書中,槍神顧方蓁透過女性視角,將其競技一生在陽剛射擊運動世界中所見與心得,向讀者娓娓道出。這本平裝書登載一百三十多幀彩色圖片與四十多篇散文;散文主題包括旅遊、戶外運動、信仰與她年幼時經歷,她的人生觀擁抱美國的競賽精神,也向她的中華文化傳統發出禮讚。 《方蓁箴言》讀來讓讀者心生有為者亦若是之感,也揭示出豪情壯志人皆可履現。讓人欣羡的成功始於平凡卑微,方蓁的一生就是明證與寫照。, Vera shares lessons she learned throughout her career as a champion female shooter in a sport marked by its machismo. The paperback book contains 130 full color photos and 40 some articles. Topics also include travel, outdoor sports, faith and Vera’s childhood experiences. Her outlook on life pays respect to her Chinese heritage, while encompassing the competitive American spirit.

《方蓁箴言》讀來讓讀者心生有為者亦若是之感,也揭示出豪情壯志人皆可履現。讓人欣羡的成功始於平凡卑微,方蓁的一生就是明證與寫照。 will inspire readers and show them that they have the power to attain their greatest ambitions. Vera’s life is proof that inspiring success stories can emerge from humble beginnings.



. A collection of these blogs appears in Vera’s second book 《方蓁箴言》讀來讓讀者心生有為者亦若是之感,也揭示出豪情壯志人皆可履現。讓人欣羡的成功始於平凡卑微,方蓁的一生就是明證與寫照。.



Vera Koo describes her summer vacation with family in tow, to search for the elusive geoduck clam on the shore of Washington state.



Vera Koo and some of her family members recently hiked to the top of Lanikai Pillbox in Hawaii. She discovered a few things about the hike and about her life in the process.

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